After a very successful 3 years, under Bideford Bay Creatives management, the Way of the Wharves Project has grown it's…
Art on a postcard

The North Devon Journal ran this story for about us on 17th Feb 2011:
“WISH you were here… I’ve painted the scenery so you can see what you are missing”. Hand painted pictures on postcards will be exchanged between artists in Bideford and artists in its new twin Manteo, US for a special exhibition this June. Both towns have vibrant art communities as well as seasonal tourism which brings with it the tradition of sending postcards.
Artists in both towns will make hand-created postcards with their artwork on the front and words of greeting on the reverse to exhibit in their home town; for each postcard a similar or duplicate will be posted to their twin town. Simultaneous exhibitions of the postcards will be shown at the Arts Council Gallery in Manteo and at the Burton Art Gallery and Museum in June 2011. The Postcard Exchange is the first phase of a three-year arts plan written between Bideford Bay Creatives and Dare County Arts Council.
The exhibition in North Devon was due to take place at Appledore Visual Arts Festival but it was then announced the festival was taking a sabbatical in 2011. As the publicity for the project had already gone out in the States, an alternative venue needed to be found very quickly. Fortunately, a fruitful meeting with Tilly Clarke, visual arts manager at the Burton Art Gallery and Museum, saved the day.
“She was understanding of our predicament and was desperate to help us out,” said Dave Green. “Bideford Bay Creatives are really excited about this project and look forward to more than 100 handmade postcards being on show in the Burton Gallery in June.”
Artists in the Bideford area wanting to take part in the exchange can e-mail: Details can be found on the website at: and also from the Burton Art Gallery and Museum.
Thanks to Rosanna Rothery for reporting on the arts in North Devon.